Why join us?
We are an experienced and flexible company with a vast network of partners and a steady stream of international projects. Our goal is to create a community of experienced and talented engineers that will work together on exciting and cutting-edge projects worldwide.
Becoming the go-to place for software engineering.
Sounds exciting? Read more below.
As a Microsoft partner, we specialize primarily in Azure and .NET technologies, but are also on the lookout for talented engineers in other fields as well. Joining us you will be receiving the following benefits:
In essence, we ask of you to deliver value to our community and our clients through software engineering best practices. Everything else is on us.
How the process looks:

See Job AdYou might come across our job applications on a few different job websites, bonus points if you saw the ad on our careers page, saw this section and know what to expect next.
Application ReceivedOnce the application is received, we will receive a notification and review the application. We usually get back to you within 24 hours.
‘Get Acquainted’ InterviewIf we like what we see on your application, we move on to the next stage - general intervew. This is where we will discuss your work history, your passion, career path you want to take and of course - salary ranges. Duration: 30-45 minutes.
‘Tech’ InterviewIf its a good fit, we move on to the next stage which is technical evaluation. It consists of three parts: 1. 5 minute call to explain the technical challenge. 2. 60 minutes to resolve the technical challenge (you do this on your own) 3. 30 minute call to review and discuss your solution + other technical topics.
Job OfferedUsually within a few hours after the Technical interview, if we are happy with the level of displayed skills - you will receive a job offer.
From application to job offer in less than 48 hours. If you are ready to talk, apply to one of the positions below.
Have a direct say over the course of the company in creating a sustainable, motivating, and pleasant working environment for software engineers.